Auckland - home of the depraved where people spit at you on the street, where you can't walk down Queen Street because of all the homeless people and nobody cares about the rugby. Home to 86% of this years violent robberies in New Zealand and a bunch of supporters unable to rouse themselves for anything. Home of indifference and a rugby team that each year barely scrapes by, home to random violence high prices and a bunch of mincers. Home to without a shadow of doubt the worst stadium in New Zealand.
We here at Waikato Uber Alles have decided to be proactive about it. We will be organising an online petition to have Auckland removed from the first division, we will be contacting Steve Tew and the NZRU in writing, and we will need your help to make it so. No-one cares about Auckland, no-one wants them stinking out the competition for another year join with us on our journey to make Auckland One of the Four!
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